
plants in the natural park

Light in the rain forest

All plants make their own food. They are the only living things that can capyure energy from the sun and cover it(through the process if photosynthesis) to produces sugars and other materials for their growth.
With onnly one percent of the light reaching the forest floor, the competition for light in the forest is tense.

Stretchers and climbers

Climber hoist themselves toward the light in the forest canopy by means of twining stemd, hooks, tendrils, tendrils, spines and root suckers.


The fine spores and seeds of epiphytes are dispersed by wind and deposited on branches and trunks of canopy and giant trees where they germinate. Their roots cling tightly to the trees bark but unlike parasitic plants such as mistletoe, they do not steal nutrient from their host tree.

Sunflecks gatherers

They thrive well in the deep shade gathering sunflecks on the forest floor. Extrapolation studies showed that, during the entire year, approximately 50% of total light energy received by understorey plants came from sunflecks.

